the way back

The perpetual journey to love is mysterious. Even when it seems we have turned our back on it, it taps us on the shoulder to turn our head around at unexpected moments and reminds us that it’s always been there. To move towards it and to shy away from it is all a part of the dance we call life. We pour love into those around us – aimlessly, blindly, hopefully… and we take it away – strictly, spitefully, purposefully. To love ourselves unconditionally is to shatter the illusion of reality. But we do not love ourselves unconditionally. Therefore we cannot truly love another, though we might think we can. Even then it is a love riddled with expectation and conditioning so entrenched that we find it difficult to say ‘I love you. I love EVERYTHING about you’ and sincerely mean it, because ultimately, we do not love ourselves with such uninhibited acceptance. This is where I am, learning to love me, through you.

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